I haven't posted in a while because the craft room AKA Mother Earth and I have been having a bit of an argument lately. For some crazy reason I thought that I would just pick a color with out testing it first and paint all the walls in that color. I know, I know one should never ever do that.
Yes Dennis has even been telling me that I should have bought some testers and this is coming from the same person who ask how much money I spent on the testers for the Great Room. (I will admit that I may have purchased up to 10 testers for that room but that includes cabinet colors and wall colors.) Thank goodness Sherwin Williams had a sale going on during Thanksgiving of bring in 5 can goods and get a tester free. I filled their box up:)
Why did I think I could do this well the dining room home run gave me the brilliant idea that I could. I bought

Now back to the craft room.........which will remain this color for awhile because I am sick of cutting in. Hope ya'll had a great weekend. The temperatures here were in the mid 60's and it was wonderful.
Thanks Nester for having this wonderful link for so many great colors
I'm definitely going through a gray phase myself right now, and I like this because it has a warmer vibe to it than some of the grays do. Thanks for sharing the color!
I just picked up this sample yesterday - I love it in your room, hope I love it in mine too!
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