We had the two of them in our house for a month. In that month Joe was banned from going to adoption and Pete was adopted. Joe was banned because he screams like a girl and couldn't stand to be out of my sight. I should have known that was going to be a problem.
Fast forward a few months.....Joe has been expelled from doggie daycare because he flipped out when I left. He had the police called on him. (We had a dog lunge at us on a walk one day and our big dog stepped on him because she got scared. Joe started his screaming like a seven year old girl. Five minutes later here come the cops.) My neighbor who I have never met has had hours of laughter because of what I say to Joe. "Joe, if you would just potty we could go inside and get warm. Please poop....." or my favorite "JOE, why is my underwear in the yard?" (We have a doggie door and I have found my underwear, shoes, remote control, the bath mat, and a couple of books in the yard.)
We love Joe and when we finally had a great adoption application for him I couldn't let him go. I am sure that he will bring craziness for many years to come.
Shea and Wolfie are still deciding how they feel about this addition.
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