Okay so most of the dining room and foyer pictures that were taken before are not that good. Why do you ask? Well it is rather hard to take pictures of rooms that have huge mirrors. Every angle that I would shoot from would flash back at me or I would be glaringing (is that a word) in the picture. So most of the pictures are from when the mirrors were removed, the little round spots are the glue that ruined the drywall.
When you entered into our front door door the whole wall on your left was full of floor to ceiling mirrors. On your right as you peered into the dining room that whole wall was mirrors from the chair rail to the ceiling. The former owner had used the dining room as the work out room.

Well to say the least I was not huge fan of the mirror, but Dennis must have been even less of a fan because we had been in the house for a little more than a week when he jumped off the couch on a Sunday afternoon and started prying the mirrors loose. Yes, I know you are supposed to tape the mirrors up but sometimes my voice of reason isn't always heard.

Well the huge floor to ceiling mirrors popped off pretty much without a problem, but the dining room mirrors were a horror show waiting to happen. I knew there were going to be problems when both of the mirrors popped free at the same time and Dennis wanted me to hold one of them up. Let me just tell you the mirror was stinking heavy and I had visions of the other one crashing on my head and then into a million pieces. I was wearing shorts so I was being a little girly and didn't want to cut my legs all up.
When I freaked out, which never happens, I was told to get out. I then shut the pocket door and heard the most horrific crash that has taken place in my house. Luckily Dennis was fine, but I did shed a few tears.....I have no idea what was wrong with me that day.
Well when the mirrors came down we of course were not luckily enough to just be able to paint over the spots. Of course not it never works out that way for us, so we hired a drywall re finisher since our walls are very heavily textured. We could have done this ourselves but we were under a serious time constraint because Dennis' family was coming to town for Christmas.
Thankfully everything was finished and ready for furniture and the Christmas Tree in the nick of time. I put the decorations up in under a week, had furniture delivered and my wonderful husband put together the chairs from Target. My dad even helped out and picked the table up from Pier 1 a little more than a week before Christmas. To say the least I didn't think it was going to happen, but our dining room was in almost tip-top shape in time for the rest of our families to see it at Christmas.

Here is a rundown of everything that we did to the dining room after cleaning up all of the trillion mirror shards.
- Patched the Drywall
- Painted every surface except the two built in cabinets and the ceilings
- Changed the foyer light from a pendant light to a lamp shade
- Bought all new dining room furniture
- Bought rugs for both the dining room and foyer
Things to still do
- Rip of the shiny tile in foyer
- I am not the biggest fan of the laminate floor in our dining room and I would love to eventually have hard wood.
- Exchange the ceiling fan in the dining room for a nice chandelier.
And for those of you that like details
- Paint - Sherwin Williams - Amazing Grey
- Table - Pier One - $399.00
- Chairs - Target - On clearance $74.99 for two. Yippee and look even better in person
- Dining Room Rug - Home Depot - $76.50 - On sale
- Foyer Rug - Lowe's - $54.00
- Foyer Shade - Lowe's - $21.00
- Foyer Mirror - Antique from Egypt
- Dining Room Buffet - Craigslist - $135.0 0 - (Willett)

I am so happy to actually have a dining room table. I just wish that the dining room was a bit larger, but just smile that I can fit eight family/friends at our table. Yes it may be a squeeze, but I still love it and wouldn't have any other way
Hope ya'll enjoyed:)

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Thrifty Decor Chick