Last Wednesday Dennis and I sold our first home and purchased our next one. The month of October was a complete whirlwind, with a trip to New Jersey thrown in.
I will have to go over the selling process of our house in more depth later because it was crazy. The second group to come through our house came for a viewing on Wednesday, September 29th. They made an offer that Friday. After much haggling back and forth we came to a price agreement and signed the offer the next Wednesday. We had an offer before theirs and with all of the issues we had with that potential buyer I never really believed that our home would sell. The inspection was set for October 7th at which point our Realtor Carol told us we needed to start looking at houses again.
After we had our first offer Dennis and I went on a mad dash around town and fell in love with a large Victorian, but it was at the top of our price range and the $700 power bill was crazy. It was also going into foreclosure and we would still be waiting to see if we could purchase it and what repairs it would need.
I marked the Victoria
We fell in love with the house in the well established neighborhood. Granted it needs some tweaking to become the home we want it to be. We have told everyone that has come to visit remember paint is very inexpensive. We at least know who the neighbors are and the backyard is fantastic.
We made an offer Monday, October 11th and hopped on a plane the 14th to head to a wedding in Princeton NJ. We found out we got the house on Friday, while we were with most of Dennis' family. Three weeks later we had closed on both houses and moved completely in. It happened so fast. There was a point where I just wanted it to stop and enjoy our house for little while longer.
I cried several times while moving out of the old house. This was where Dennis and I started our relationship. It was where he and Shea proposed to me. It was where we woke up the morning of our wedding and where we came back to as a married couple. We had put so much work into it and yes tears and sweat.
The photos attached are from the day that we cleaned the house. It makes me a little sad to look at them.
There were so many wonderful memories in that home and I hope the new owner appreciate and love it as much as we did.
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