The Yard Sale was a huge success, but we may have a stalker!!!
Our yard sale was wonderful. I ended up selling a load of items and raising a grand total of $285.75, while Miranda made $199.75. We were very excited about the amount that we made, plus how much stuff we got rid of. The yard sale ran pretty smoothly, but I am still having a hard time believing that someone showed up at 5:30. Ugh!!!!
Last night Dennis and I were in the office and noticed that the answering machine was flashing with a message, it was someone from the yard sale. We are being stalked. Just kidding she had a question about the deep fryer that she purchased that was Miranda's. I guess I need to call her back.
Also at the yard sale we had someone interested in the house. Miranda really talked her up but of course we never expected that she would ever come back. Well......she was our official first showing yesterday. I haven't heard anything, but I am just glad we that we had our first showing.
Another crazy thing happened early Monday morning. There is a house in our neighborhood that has the exact same layout as ours. Well on the way to work Monday morning Dennis noticed a For Sale sign in its front yard. He called me three times during the day to see if it was on the MLS yet and for how much. We just knew it would be nicer and cheaper. hit the MLS and it is $3,600 more and there are things that are better than ours but things that are much worse. We are keeping our fingers crossed that it is a good sign for our house.
Hope everyone has a great week.
Days on Market - 6
Showings - 1 - (Even if nothing comes of this it is such a good feeling that someone came to look at our home.)
By the way the picture is of Dennis and I on vacation and it was taken by Miranda. (I so wish I was still there now.)
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